
Our Website: A resource for PFHA members, prospective homeowners, and realtors. The public section of the website contains general information about the neighborhood. The Members Only content includes an online neighborhood directory and other information of interest to PFHA members. This section is password-protected and therefore not accessible to non-PFHA members. Each PFHA member household has a unique password and can control access to its online directory information.

Our Neighborhood Social Network: Only Potomac Falls residents are eligible to join which makes it a great, private communication resource for our community and other neighborhoods in close proximity. This website allows members to chat, post recommendations or items for sale/ services needed, such as babysitters or housekeepers. For an invitation to join, please e-mail

Our Newsletter: A quarterly neighborhood newsletter is distributed by email to all PFHA members in Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. A paper version is available for those residents who do not have an e-mail address. The newsletter frequently contains updates on PFHA Board initiatives, including landscaping, infrastructure studies, neighborhood security, and county government relations. It also includes a calendar of upcoming PFHA community events, photos and reviews of recent events, new homeowner announcements, and a classified section for PFHA members only.

E-mail Updates: All PFHA members who provide an e-mail address will receive periodic e-mail notices of community interest: security concerns, upcoming meetings or social events, the quarterly newsletter, and important PFHA Board initiatives. Your e-mail addresses are never distributed to any third-party. We recognize that not every member has access to e-mail, so print versions of newsletters and important homeowner information will be available to members who do not use the internet. Please ensure that the e-mail address you have on file is kept up to date.